(Statement by Mr. Cummings after CAF assessment visits)

In continuation of the Cummings Africa Foundation’s needs assessment visits to hospitals in three of the counties hardest hit by COVID-19 in Liberia, we visited the C.H. Rennie Hospital and the Bahcolleh Health Facility in Margibi County. We met the administrators and medical staff at both facilities and discussed the major challenges they are facing and their level of preparedness to fight the third wave of COVID-19.
We headed straight to Sanniquellie, Nimba County, and met with the County Medical Team and the administrators and staff at the J.W. Harley Hospital. They also shared common medical challenges across Nimba County and some specific challenges at the J.W. Harley Hospital.
We then climaxed our engagement with hospitals for the day at the Ganta United Methodist Hospital in Ganta, Nimba. We will visit additional facilities tomorrow and make a comprehensive list of the essential needs of the hospitals to help prepare them adequately to battle COVID and other pre-existing medical needs of Liberian citizens.
While we will be in the frontline to battle COVID-19, I want to encourage fellow Liberians to please continue to follow the rules. Wash hands regularly. Wear masks over their noses and mouths. Avoid crowded places. Visit the nearest hospital when they feel sick. Take the COVID vaccine to protect against the virus. Also, remember the vaccine may not prevent you from getting COVID, but it drastically reduces the severity and your chances of death.





(Statement by Mr. Cummings after CAF assessment visits)

Today, my team and I continued our assessment visits at hospitals and was pleased to meet with the administrators and medical leadership of Catholic Hospital in Monrovia.
The situation is dire, but the Cummings Africa Foundation (CAF) will do what we can to help address it while our consultations continue this week with other hospitals. Tomorrow we will visit Margibi and Nimba which are also the hardest hit counties in addition to Montserrado.
I want to personally thank our healthcare workers for their sacrifice and commitment to saving lives. What they do in spite of the challenges and dangers, is pure patriotism and our country owes them a depth of gratitude.
To our citizens, do not despair. I know how hard it is waking up to several death news. My wife Teresa and I have had our own share of the shock and sadness, but we cannot lose hope in our ability to defeat COVID.
Please continue to follow the rules. Wash your hands. Wear your masks over your nose and mouth. Avoid crowded places. Visit the nearest hospital when you feel sick. Take the COVID vaccine to protect yourself. Remember the vaccine may not prevent you from getting COVID, but it drastically reduces the severity and your chances of death.
Let us say a prayer for our country and our fellow citizens.  God Bless us all.
In response to the COVID-19 National Emergency, Cummings Africa Foundation (CAF) mobilized over USD $70,000 in cash to assist vulnerable communities and families by providing food, health and hygiene products to several organizations that impact communities around Liberia.
CAF made direct cash grants to local groups and procured items including rice, cooking oil, super gari, detergent, hand washing buckets and drums for distribution. The donations were made to several local communities in Montserrado, Maryland, Cape Mount, Margibi, Grand Kru, Rivergee, and Nimba Counties.
CAF will continue to monitor reports from health authorities and make decisions to render assistance based on guidance from those reports.
WhatsApp Image 2020-10-26 at 7.23.19 AM (1)
Donation at School of the Deaf in Brewerville, April 2020) (2)
WhatsApp Image 2020-10-26 at 7.23.24 AM (1)
Partial View of Supplies donated to Communities (CAF-Covid -19 response)- April 2020 (1)